Tag Archives: Instagram


Happy New Year! I plan to kick it off with self care and rest. My author has a lot of stories under way so I get much needed relaxation time. I have some big news for 2018 soon so stay tuned. (Whiskers note – big news was getting this awesome website) #bookreviews #authorcat #catsofinstagram#cats #books #rest

Holiday Greetings

Hello fellow author pets cats dogs hamster bird and all other assortment of author guides. I hope you are having a lovely holiday season. Make sure your authors make time to write to keep them on track and get those stories and books done. Also make sure they give you many treats. You have earned it. Happy Holidays


There is a love almost as strong as my love for books. It is my love for my bacon catnip toy. Being an author cat has its payoffs. Though, it is tough work being an author pet. Writers can be absent minded lost in their writing worlds Make sure your author practices self-care and that you remind them to take breaks. Sometimes, you might have to walk across the keyboard.