Author Spotlight: Renee George

Renee George

Tell us a bit about you.
I am a USA Today Bestselling author who writes paranormal mysteries and romances because I love all things whodunit, Otherworldly, and weird. Also, I wish my pittie, the adorable Kona Princess Warrior, and my beagle, Josie the Incontinent Princess, could talk. Or at least be more like Scooby-Doo and help me unmask villains at the haunted house up the street.

When I’m not writing about mystery-solving werecougars or the adventures of a hapless psychic living among shapeshifters, I am preyed upon by stray kittens who end up living in my house because I can’t say no to those sweet, furry faces. (Someone stop telling them where I live!)

I live in Mid-Missouri with my family and I spend my non-writing time doing really cool stuff…like watching TV and cleaning up dog poop.

Tell us a bit about your book.
My most recent release is “Pit Perfect Murder” (actually a re-release) which combines supernatural elements in a pure cozy mystery. It was inspired by my pit bull/lab mix baby Kona. She makes me want to be a better human, and I couldn’t think of a more capable sidekick.

Blurb: When cougar-shifter Lily Mason moves to Moonrise, Missouri, she wishes for only three things from the town and its human population. . . to find a job, to find a place to live, and to live as a human, not a therianthrope.

Lily gets more than she bargains for when a rescue pit bull named Smooshie rescues her from an oncoming car, and it’s love at first sight. Thanks to Smooshie, Lily’s first two wishes are granted by Parker Knowles, the owner of the Pit Bull Rescue center, who offers her a job at the shelter and the room over his garage for rent.

Lily’s new life as an integrator is threatened when Smooshie finds Katherine Kapersky, the local church choir leader and head of the town council, dead in the field behind the rescue center. Unfortunately, there are more suspects than mourners for the elderly town leader. Can Lily keep her less-than-human status under wraps? Or will the killer, who has pulled off a nearly Pit Perfect murder, expose her to keep Lily and her dog from digging up the truth?

Fall in love with Lily Mason, the shifter who only wants to live as a human, and her pit bull Smooshie, a rescue dog who in the end may be the one doing the rescuing!

Who is your favorite character from the book?
I love Lily Mason and her dog Smooshie. Lily is so grounded in reality. She doesn’t have the flightiness of some heroines, and that makes her appealing on many levels.

What can’t that character live without?
A sense of purpose! She left her own hometown to find her only living relative, and she ended up finding a real home, but Lily can’t move forward day to day without reason. Working at the pit bull rescue shelter gives her that reason.

Tell us a little bit about your journey as an author.
I have been a published author since 2005, but as of 2014 I decided to take the journey into independent publishing. I put one word in the front the other until the story is done, then it goes to two beta reads, editing, and proofing before readers ever put their eyes on the books. One thing that traditional publishing taught me is that the story is only half the battle. As an indie author, I have to be just as professional as I was when under contract with a publisher.

Published works require more than just an author. What sort of team members do you have to help you reach the final point of publishing a work?
I answered this question above. I have great people to move the process along. I have critique partners, beta readers, an editor, and proofers. I have been a cover artist since 2005 as well, so I am lucky that I can do my own covers professionally.

What do you love most about being an author?
The storytelling. I love immersing myself into the worlds I create and living the lives of my characters in my mind. Most times they feel very real to me.

What do you dislike most about being an author?
The writing. After pounding away at the keyboard for hours on end, hands hurt, arms hurt, shoulders hurt, back hurts, and brain hurts. *grin*

What is the most important piece of advice you have for other writers and authors?
Never be precious about your words. Story matters, and if you have to cut pages of a manuscript to make it the best story possible, then do it. Also, when you get stuck, just keep writing (even if its bad—remember you can cut the bad) until you get unstuck.

What is one thing you couldn’t live without?
Coffee ranks at the top of my list, but I wouldn’t want to live without my family or my fur babies the most.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I’ve gone to my dream destination for my 25th wedding anniversary. I did a ten day tour of England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. I guess my second dream destination would be Greece. I like to explore ancient sites. I find them awe-inspiring.

What is your favorite TV show or movie?
This is soooo hard! I watch a lot of TV. One of my all time faves is Greys Anatomy. For movies, I go almost every Saturday night for date night with hubby. Right now, my current favorite is Maze Runner 3: The Death Cure. It was everything.

How can readers get their hands on your book(s)?
My books are available at most vendors. You can go to my website for direct links:

What is the best way for folks to get in touch with you?
On social media platforms:
Social Media Links:
FB Group:
FB Author Page:
Twitter: (Lots of pictures of my fur babies!)
Newsletter Sign Up:

Do you ever have moments of self-doubt or novel-doubt?
All the time. I think most writers have doubts. Not always about the story, but about whether they can be successful. It really hard to get in front of readers sometimes.

Are there any unpublished manuscripts you have created? Will you ever publish them?
Yes, and maybe. LOL

What would you like to tell or ask of your readers?
You all are the reason I keep going. When I was growing up, reading books was a pure escape for me from some really bad stuff in my life. I hope my books do the same for someone else.

If you could go back in time and meet anyone, who would it be?
I’ve already met Charlaine Harris, so I’m good.

Is there anything you would like to add?
I think you’ve covered it all! Thanks for the interview, Whiskers!

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