Time to be frank. For a cat author pet, litter is important. Not having the right litter can really make a day bad. It can stink up your house, make clean up for your author difficult, and worst of all it can hurt your bean toes. Have to make sure your beans are protected. My author and I have tried dozens of litters (I have tried, my author has bought). This is an independent review and I have not been sponsored by any company. Some of the links support me through affiliate advertising.
Walnut Litter
- Sharp
- Smelled funny and chemically
- Not really absorbent
- Did not like at all
- No cat heads of approval
Paper Litter
- Got a piece stuck between bean toes.
- Felt like I was on an unstable shifting floor of pellets
- Did good for absorption and didn’t track like other litters
- Odor control wasn’t as good as other litters.
- Three cat heads of approval
Wood Shavings
- Strangely soft and pokey
- Good odor control
- I am not a rodent in need of bedding
- Not my favorite
- One cat head of approval
Corn litter
- Expensive
- Good odor control
- Nice on the beans
- Similar to clay
- Three cat heads of approval
Wheat Litter
- Good absorption
- Longer lasting than other litters
- More costly
- Good odor control, but not as good as my clay favourites
- Felt most like clay litter
- Little to no dust
- My choice for a clay litter alternative
- Might not be safe for authors with wheat allergies and sensitivities
- Four cat heads of approval
Clay Litters
I have tried about three dozen. Here are my most and least favourites.
Most Favourite
Nature’s Miracle is my favourite: Low dust, low odor. Feels sturdy and not harsh on the beans. Five cat heads of approval.
Second Runner Up
Arm and Hammer Multi Cat: A little dusty but smells good and feels good on the beans. Four cat heads of approval.
Least Favourite
Grocery store brand: does the job, low cost, very dusty. My brother goes in black and comes out of the box a grey cat. Two cat heads of approval.
Crystal/Silica Litter
You might be wondering why I haven’t tried silica or crystal litter. My author and I don’t feel comfortable trying out such a litter because of some of the things we have heard about silica. However, clay litter does have silica dust and poses a similar risk.
There you have my personal assessment on litters. My preferences may not be yours. Each cat is unique. Hopefully, my review can assist you in finding your perfect litter.
Also a note, don’t flush cat litter, even if it says you can. Waste without litter is fine.