This is the busiest time of day for me. My author has settled into her writing and working groove, so I have to make sure she takes regular breaks and keep care of myself too. First, I climb off of my author to allow her to get into a more comfortable position.
I do my stretches. First, I reach my paws forward and arch my back, stretching my underbelly, shoulders, and back legs. Then I reach my nose to the sky and stretch out each back leg to lengthen my back, chest, and neck. I slowly sit and take a few deep breaths, blinking the sleep from my eyes. It’s very important to stretch daily. After stretching, I patrol the office and ensure everything is in order.
I carefully choose my next position where I can keep an eye on my author, the door, and look out the window. I must take care to alternate between bird watching, ensuring no other cats enter my yard, and alerting my author for break time.
I can tell a number of ways when it is time for a break. If my author is holding her breath for a really long time, I sometimes have to remind her to breathe. If she starts to fidget at the edge of her seat, I remind her to take a break, stretch, and breathe. If her stomach rumbles loudly, sometimes she doesn’t notice because the story has pulled her in and grips her tightly. Also, if I decide I no longer want to be inside the office, need to use the litter box, or am inspired to find a warm sunbeam or play, it’s time for my author to take a break too.
When it’s time for a break, I try to get her attention in a number of ways. First, I sit patiently by the door staring at her until she does the right thing. Sometimes this doesn’t always work. Like I said, stories have powerful grips over authors and it can be difficult to break the hold. It is necessary to break the hold to ensure that your author stays healthy, and that you don’t get trapped in an office forever with an empty bowl.
You may want to look at getting a pet dad or mom as well, or a maid, to ensure this doesn’t happen when the stories hold your author in its tightest grips. Writing sessions can last hours, days, or even weeks with your author intensely focused on the work. I’m trying to convince my author to install a cat door that only I can use and my brothers cannot.
The office is sacred. No brothers allowed. They chew cords, knock over papers, meow loudly, and claw at the window screen. This behavior results in me getting kicked out too. The office is my domain only.
If sitting by the door doesn’t work, then I will approach the chair and mew. I look between my author and the door repeatedly. If author still is focused on writing, then I rise up on my haunches, mew and paw at her leg. No claws. Yet.
If it still doesn’t work, I have two options. Use claws or climb on her lap. Usually, I climb on her lap and this breaks the hold instantly. In rare circumstances, I use the claws, gently, to break the iron hold of story writing.
After break, more writing, another break, more writing. If my author becomes stressed or tense, I climb atop her lap and insist on receiving pets. My purrs sooth my author and she settles down. Sometimes writing can become very emotionally and physically intense for authors. As an author pet, you have to make sure to help your author through this process through pets, purrs, and breaks.
Once the heavy writing time is complete, I’m off work and can do as needed for the rest of the day. Cat dad comes home and takes over feeding and caring for my author. Or author needs to feed and care for cat dad. They sometimes talk to each other using the inefficient human speak. Us cats have a system of gestures, eye winks, telepathy, empathy, tail twitches. Sometimes my author writes after dinner, and then it’s back to work.
Being an author pet is very demanding, and you have to be flexible. Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Regularly groom, eat, stretch, play, run, and obtain affection.