Pet interview: Pepe from Author Heather Ball

Tell us a bit about yourself. 

 My name is Pepe. I am a Netherland Dwarf rabbit. I live with my son, Big Baby. We are best buddies. I love to clean his ears and lick his eyes for him. 

What is your favorite toy? 

 There is this weaved ball made of straw that has a bell in it. I like to ring it, especially in the middle of the night. 

What is your favorite food?

 I love black sunflower seeds! Whenever I hear a bag open, I get excited and round around in circles thinking I may get some. 

Who is your author?  

Heather Ball. 

What does your author write? 

Contemporary Romance. 

Where does your author write their stories?  

In the living room on the couch. The one time, she wrote for four days straight.. Barely ate, barely slept. She didn’t see the sun for days. 

What is the best thing about being an author pet? 

We get our weekly maid service. Our cage is thoroughly cleaned. Sometimes, I forget to use the litter box. My mess is wiped up with lemon juice; I love the smell of citrus. 

What is the hardest thing about being an author pet?

 Between Heather’s job at the hospital as a Sterile Supply Technician and her writing job on the side, we don’t see her as much as we like but that’s okay. We have each other for company. 

Where should readers go to read your author’s work? 

The June Bug Catcher is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Chapters Indigo, and the FriesenPress Online Bookstore. eBooks are available through the FriesenPress Online Bookstore,, Google Play Books, Apple iBooks, and Expanded Distribution channels: Barnes & Noble Nook and Chapters Indigo Kobo. 

What does a typical day in your author pet life look like? 

We get two handfuls of fresh, meadow hay every morning. We get new water in our dishes.  When she isn’t working at one of her jobs, Author Heather lets us out of our cages where we are free to run around. When are super happy we do rabbit binkies; flips, kicks and twirls in the air. 

Is there anything else you’d like to add? 

My litter box is full and it needs changed. Can you let Heather know? Thanks.  

You can connect with author Heather Ball,  through Facebook at and Instagram at

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